i A Reader Shares... Moving Again - Lead Your School

A LYS Principal shares:

“Sean, after taking two high schools from AU to Recognized, followed by a one year of working for a district that lied about wanting to change, I am back in the game!

The good news is for the first time my new school is primed for change, with the staff already engaged in much of the initial work. Oh, and the raise is nice too! The LYS path is not always straight or easy, but it always leads me to a better place.”

SC Response
I’ve been waiting for you to get a campus that would embrace you. With two rating jumps a year the being the established norm for you and your campuses, it’s better than even money that you, your staff and students will be celebrating an exemplary rating this time next year.

Best of luck and call me if you need me.

Think. Work. Achieve.

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