i Campus Improvement: Who is Accountable? - Lead Your School

Managing Up, Part 4 of 5 – Who is Accountable for What to Solve the Problem?

I have a friend I’ve been working with for a couple of years now. He may be the one of the best principals in the business at rapidly turning around a campus. He sent me some questions that his assistant superintendent gave him to answer. Here are my answers to the fourth set of questions, his were similar.

Q: Who is accountable for what to solve the problem?

1 – Students are accountable for coming to school; going to class; working on their work; and attending support sessions if they are struggling with their grades.

2 – Teachers are accountable for attending training and planning sessions; improving their pedagogy; following the scope and sequence; and adjusting instruction based on data.

3 – Campus administrators are accountable for monitoring instruction; ensuring a safe and orderly learning environment; creating time to train, review data and collaborate; and effectively identifying and marshaling resources to better support teachers and students.

4 – Central office is accountable for providing a viable scope and sequence; providing short-term common assessments; providing relevant and timely data reports; providing training and/or training budgets; and providing responsive infrastructure and support.

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