i A Reader Asks... Data Meeting Questions - Lead Your School

A LYS Assistant Principal asks the following:




We just completed our first checkpoints. What are some good questions to ask during our Data Talks?


SC Response

Glad you asked. Here is the most important question to ask in every checkpoint data meeting… Are we on pace with the scope and sequence?


If the answer is, “No,” there is no reason to talk about anything else. Working to get on pace is the only instructional priority.


Once the answer to the pacing question is, “Yes,” then there are three other questions that should drive the conversations and planned actions in the data meeting

A. What are our two deepest holes on the checkpoint?Those two identified deepest holes are the concepts that should be re-taught during the current checkpoint window.


B. What seems to be working?If something can be identified, everyone should do more of that thing.


C. What does not seem to be working?If something can be identified, everyone should do less (or none) of that thing.


It may seem boring, but the answers to the above four questions are what drive sustained improvements in student performance.


Think. Work. Achieve.


Your turn…

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