i When To Start Tutoring - Lead Your School

Over the next couple of weeks the new school year will begin (or it already has begun). So should before school and after school tutoring… During the first week of school.


You might protest and say, “But no one needs tutoring yet.”


If this is you, that would be wrong.  On the first day of school, you have students who need extra support and they are easy to identify.  Just review the data from last school year.


  1. Every student who failed, or nearly failed a course last year, needs support this year. Now. Not later and definitely not after they are failing again.
  2. Every student who failed, or nearly failed a state accountability test last year, needs support this year. Now. Not later.


The students who failed last year are the students with the greatest risk of failing this year. The earlier you provide them with additional support, the better their chance of passing.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

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