This is the time of year when teachers start setting up their rooms. Too often, what appears to be set up is a themed living room / kitchen combo. You know, the classroom with a teacher recliner, family pictures, coffee pot, microwave and two content related posters.


Just know that when you do this, what you are communicating to your students is, “Welcome to MY room.”


What you want to communicate is, “Welcome to OUR room.”


How? Try this.


This year, leave all the comforts of your home, at your home. Start with the room organized, bright and clean, but very light on the decorations.


On the first day, introduce yourself to your class and as a class, develop the classroom social contract. Make that the first thing that goes up on the wall. Then as you introduce concepts, put up displays that support the concept, taking down older displays as you go forward.


This is how you build a CLASSroom.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

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