i On Charter Schools - Lead Your School

Overwhelming political rhetoric states that, “Everyone agrees that…”


  1. “Charter schools foster innovation, competition and parent choice.”


  1. “Charter schools are good for public education”


The political rhetoric is right and wrong.  It depends on the charter school. Here is a hard and fast rule you can hang your hat on, “The greater the profit motive of the charter school operator, the lower the quality of services provided to the student.”


When it comes to charter schools there are many, “Thieves wrapped in lamb’s clothing.”


Which is why my standards for charter schools are exceptionally high.


A charter school must be either exceedingly effective, exceedingly efficient, or both.  Those charter schools deserve funding, cultivation and study. After all, that is the purported purpose on the charter school movement.


Charter schools that are not exceedingly effective and/or efficient should be closed, post haste.  We don’t need additional models on how to underserve students, whether parents choose to enroll their children on those campuses or not.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

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