A teacher asks the following:




I’m a teacher looking for resources to implement better Fundamental Five. Can you point me in the right direction?


SC Response

I have a couple of suggestions. With resources, three are immediately accessible to you.


  1. There is the book, The Fundamental 5. It is available thru Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Books, and Kindle. They tell me it’s good. And by “They,” I mean my wife and my mom.


  1. The Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan Developer


This free, online tool guides the teacher in building a one-page lesson plan that embeds the elements of the Fundamental 5 in the lesson. The completed lesson plan is generated as a word document that can be saved, printed, edited and shared. As an added bonus, the tool allows the teacher to map the Rigor and Relevance of the lesson. See the sample below.

  1. The Fundamental 5 Note Taking Developer


This free, online tool guides the teacher in building a note taking template for a given lesson. The completed form can be saved, printed and then handed out to students to use during the lesson. Essentially, the form is a stripped down version of Cornell Notes. We suggest that every class use the tool to take notes, every day. See the sample below.

Additionally, teachers constantly share with us that the best they have done to improve their implementation of The Fundamental 5 is too hear us explain how to do it and what it looks like, live. Here are some “hear us live” options.


  1. This Summer, we will present at the TASSP Conference in Austin, the TEPSA Conference in Austin, the NAESP Conference in Spokane, and the NASSP Conference in Boston.


  1. We train teaching staff, on site, across the country. Mention us to your principal, and who knows, we may be on your campus next year.


  1. The Fundamental 5 National Summit is scheduled for October 27th and 28th in Austin. If you only go to one conference this year, this is the one to attend.


Hope this helps.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: TASSP Summer Conference;  NAESP Summer Conference; NASSP Summer Conference; Fundamental 5 National Summit (Keynote)
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