i The Reviews Are In - The 2018 AIE Conference - Lead Your School

Last November, Dr. Mike Laird and I presented at the Annual AIE Conference. We had a great time and the audience participation was exceptional. Once again, the audience reported that they liked us (we liked them, too), with all rating elements at or above 90%. Here is what the audience shared with the conference organizers…

Q:I was engaged during the presentation? Response:100% Strongly Agree

Q:My learning was enhanced by the knowledge of the speakers? Response:90% Strongly Agree

Q:I will be able to immediately apply what I learned? Response:90% Strongly Agree

Q:I would recommend this presentation to a peer? Response:100% Strongly Agree

Here are my two favorite comments…

1.“The presenter was very excited and knowledgeable. I’m excited to head back and encourage my teachers.”

2“The presenter seemed almost combative at times and proud of it.”

The writer of the second comment wasn’t confused, she really “Got It!” 

Darn right, I’m combative. There is nothing more awesome than running a school that maximizes student opportunity. It is a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly. So, buckle up and get on board, because our mission is to change the future. 

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

Upcoming Conference Presentations: TASSP Assistant / Aspiring Principal Conference; ASCD Empower19 Conference; NAESP Summer Conference; TASSP Summer Conference; Fundamental 5 National Summit (Keynote)

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