i Instructional Rigor: What Does "Creating" Look Like - Part 2 - Lead Your School

Note: First read the 1/24/2019 post “Instructional Rigor: What Does Creating Look Like – Part 1.”

Once it dawns on instructional leaders the daunting and rare nature of “Creating” level rigor, the protests begin… “Well how is that supposed to occur in a (insert any grade / content) classroom?!”

My response is, “Why should it?”

This causes a double take. Then they start to share all the reasons why they think it should.  I let them run through the lists of reason.

When they finish, I ask, “Show me in the state standards (TEKS in Texas), where the standard is supposed to be taught at the ‘Creating’ level?”

They can’t.

One reason (out of many) why our schools are unable to cover content at the required pace is that teachers over-teach concepts. If a teacher spends a day (or two or three) over-teaching a concept, they are now one, two or three days behind where they should be in the Scope and Sequence. And protest all you want; the teacher will not make up for that lost time.

The bitter truth is being taught ALL the standards at the REQUIRED thinking is better for the student than being taught FEWER standards at higher than required thinking. 

Which means if you aren’t observing true “Creating” level cognition in your classrooms, don’t sweat it.        

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

Upcoming Conference Presentations: TASSP Assistant / Aspiring Principal Conference; ASCD Empower19 Conference; NAESP Summer Conference; TASSP Summer Conference; Fundamental 5 National Summit (Keynote)

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