i An Assistant Superintendent Asks... PowerWalks for Inclusion Teachers - Lead Your School

A LYS Assistant Superintendent asks:




We need your input regarding the use of PowerWalks with inclusion teachers. The majority of our inclusion teachers serve multiple courses and are unable to plan with a team of teachers.  We are struggling with giving them credit for the Lesson Frame because Principals know they are not actually developing those frames. Furthermore, more than likely, they are not creating the lessons that are being taught during the observation.


Certainly, we want to be able to provide our inclusion teachers with feedback and support; and there are modules within the PowerWalks system that will work (i.e., instructor location, classroom climate and pupil engagement).  However, if the inclusion teacher is not part of the planning for the classroom, do we still rate them on Lesson Frame, High-Yield Practices, and Instructional Relevance and Rigor?  


Thanks in advance for your answer.


SC Response

You are correct with your realization that inclusion teachers represent the need for some flexible thinking when deciding what elements of best practice to look for during an observation.


Luckily, the PowerWalks System affords the required level of flexibility in the following manner.


1.The Observer can “Turn Off” modules that do not apply during a specific observation.


2.The Observer can use one of the SIX narrowed focus observation templates that are available in the PowerWalks system.


3.The Observer can create a custom survey to be used with inclusion teachers.


4.A Managing User can create a local observation element that applies only to inclusion teachers.


Based on what you describe, I would create an “Inclusion Teacher” survey using the following modules:


* Instructor Location


* High-Yield Instructional Practices (I would actually expect a higher frequency of these from the Inclusion Teacher, otherwise why have a teacher instead of an aide?)


* Instructional Relevance (Again, I would expect a higher frequency of this due to the increased one on one teaching and mentoring opportunities of the inclusion teacher.)


* Classroom Climate and Management Practices


With individual observation elements within a module that would never apply, I would be OK with data that records as a “0.” If it is not relevant, why be concerned if it is not observed.


Hope this helps.  If not call or e-mail at your convenience.


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