i Visit Classrooms - Rebuild Schools: An Update and a Big Announcement - Lead Your School

LYS Nation,

After Hurricane Harvey, Lead Your School challenged the LYS Nation to step up in support of our friends in Aransas County Independent School District (Rockport, Texas).  And step up, you did.  To the tune of 43,715 classroom observations.  Which equals $2,185.75 to help rebuild their schools. We rounded that up to an even $2,200.00.  Not enough, but it’s a start.

However, once Harvey made landfall, it stuck around for an extra week, turning Southeast Texas into a lake. Then Harvey’s evil siblings Irma and Maria laid waste to Florida and Puerto Rico.  So, LYS Nation, we doubled down, and challenged you to keep up the effort to assist more schools in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico.

As expected, you upped your effort to the tune of 48,835 October PowerWalks.  Which means on top of the $2,200.00 September total, we are adding another $2,441.75. 

But at LYS we like whole numbers, so let’s call October $2,500.00, for a grand total of $4,700.00!

 What’s that, LYS Nation? 

$4,700.00 isn’t enough?

We agree!

So, let’s go ALL IN for the FALL SEMESTER!!!

And let’s add the U.S. Virgin Islands!

LYS Nation, here is the new official deal…

You keep visiting classrooms and we will keep adding nickels to the donation total, up until December 22, 2017.

Keep Stepping Up!

Get Knocked Down – Get Back Up – Rebuild Schools