i A Reader Writes... Primary Campus Lesson Frames - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the January 19, 2016 post, “A Reader Writes… Primary Campus Lesson Frames,” a reader writes:


I agree with Lesa’s response to the query about Framing the Lesson.  However, just recently I watched a teacher begin a small reading group by asking students to recall what their particular goal was in reading.  Each of the students chose from fluency, comprehension, accuracy, or expression and re-stated what their goal was as they were working with the teacher.  I thought this was an excellent way to help each student have a specific focus for their reading while they were working with the teacher.  

SC Response What you observed the teacher doing sounds great. And the described practice aligns with what is known about the positive effect of student goal setting.  But it shouldn’t be considered an alternative to Lesson Framing.  Lesson Framing is a separate, purposeful and more powerful practice. Imagine how awesome it would have been if the teacher had done both.

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