i A Principal Writes... Minutes Instead of Days - Part 3 - Lead Your School

In response to the 10/20/15 post, “Credits Earned – Minutes Instead of Days,” a LYS Principal writes the following:

LYS Nation,

75,600 minutes is what is required for the school year. To get this, you need to have a 420-minute (7 hours) school day. The minute count includes recess and lunch, so this is time in the building, not necessarily time in class. This probably provides a district with more flexibility. A school cannot complete the year earlier than May 16th.

Teachers are still paid by the day (after all, we are professional staff). Early release and bad weather days have to be accounted for.   I agree with Cain’s concluding assumption. This gives the illusion of some type of reform, without really amounting to anything of substance.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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