i A Reader Writes... Does the Passing Standard Matter - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the 1/29/15 post, “Does the Passing Standard Matter,” a LYS Central Office Administrator writes:


I am a proponent of having a minimum performance expectation of a Checkpoint (common assessment) at 70%. 70% is the passing standard for classroom assignments. We all know the passing standard for the STAAR is different for almost every subject and every grade level. We can find comfort later in knowing the real number of students who will pass the state level passing standard will be higher than our Checkpoint scores reflect. 

However, I never want to lower the classroom expectation that all of our students meet the district’s passing standard.

SC Response Well stated.  We are almost in complete agreement.  We differ only on the performance expectation.  I set the target at 80%.  I want my campus(es) work to get everyone over the 80% mark.  70% leaves too much to chance.  And no one can argue the fact that 70% is much closer to failing than to mastery. 

Set your internal and short-term standards high.  Work your tail off to meet them. Let the state standards take care of themselves.  Celebrate big at the end of the year when your students make huge performance leaps and outperform the neighboring schools.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn… 

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