i Top LYS Tweets From the Week of October 27, 2013 - Lead Your School

A number of you in the LYS Nation are now Twitter users.  If you haven’t done so yet, we want you to join us.  To let you see what you are missing, here are the Top 10 LYS Tweets from the week of October 27, 2013.

1. Professional Development isn’t a 3-hour workshop, it’s a career long process in which educators fine-tune their craft to meet student needs. (By @sjunkins)

2. Typical Teacher Thinking: The students didn’t get it. Better Teacher Thinking: If I can improve my instruction, more kids will get it. (By @LYSNation)

3. Study: Quality preschool programs “are the most cost-effective educational interventions” (By @RYHTexas)

4. I am always amazed at how much students DON’T write in classes. It is such an essential skill. (By @kconners09)

5. “It doesn’t take too much time. I use a ticket out text so my kids can write critically every day.” Ms. Gamble (By @CabidaCain)

6. For high school math, inborn talent is just much less important than hard work, preparation, and self-confidence. (By @tgrierhisd)

7. Typical Teacher Thinking: The students aren’t motivated. Better Teacher Thinking: How can I better motivate my students? (By @LYSNation)

8. If someone tells you they are a Common Core expert, remind them that the standards are new. The real experts are teachers who implement CCSS. (By @curriculumblog)

9. Data is important, but don’t live in a spreadsheet. You’re a teacher – do what’s best to move your students forward. (By @sjunkins)

10. Webb MS starts its announcements with the phrase “Think! Work! Achieve!” In other news, Webb MS wins my “Favorite School of the Day” award! (By @LYSNation)

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5 
  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “Look at Me: A Cautionary School Leadership Tale” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/lookatmebook 
  • Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Plans (Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan Tool); PW Lite (Basic PowerWalks Tool); PW Pro (Mid-level PowerWalks Tool) 
  • Upcoming Presentations: NASSP National Conference; The 21st Century High School Conference  
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation  and like Lead Your School on Facebook