i Dr. Rich Allen Writes... CSCOPE - Make It Work For You - Lead Your School


I’ve been following your posts, and certainly saw the recent (and on-going) CSCOPE exchange.  I agree with MANY of your thoughts in this matter…

When I spoke at the CSCOPE conference in August, my basic theme was, “Take what works for you, then add your own ideas and style to make it come alive!”

I used to call that the 70/30 model.  70 percent of what they offer will work, but only if you bring at least 30% of YOU to the game…


SC Response Exactly.  No wonder your session was such a big hit at the conference. CSCOPE provides a vertically consistent model for teaching the required TEKS for meeting accountability standards.  Lessons were provided to serve as a resource, not an end all.  It was and is expected that teachers improve upon those resources.  Only the most narrow-minded critics (and sadly, some administrators) viewed the CSCOPE lessons as an absolute.  But that is what happens when the importance of the individual teacher is either misunderstood or not valued at all. 

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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