i Top LYS Tweets From the Week of May 26, 2013 - Lead Your School

A number of you in the LYS Nation are now Twitter users.  If you haven’t done so yet, we want you to join us.  To let you see what you are missing, here are the Top 10 LYS Tweets from the week of May 26, 2013.

1. Students who take at least 2 AP courses in high school are more likely to complete a 4-year degree than their peers who do not. (By @DrJerryRBurkett)

2. Don’t change your lessons to fit technology, find the technology to fit your lesson. (By @redwriter2783)

3. Individual teachers can adopt 21st century practices, but real impact comes when an entire school embraces the same vision. (By @sjunkins)

4. I always say, “It’s all about personnel…” A great teacher can make use of any “tool” and will be effective! (By @HalLRoberts)

5. For those celebrating a reduction in EOC’s. Nothing will change in grades 3 – 8 and we never got to the upper level HS tests. Performance issues will remain. (By @LYSNation)

6. If you are being recruited your social media account will be watched. They don’t know you, so what you post is who they think you are. (By @ONeilCHSprincip)

7. Be a rebel and dare to use a CSCOPE lesson next year! (By @tra_hall)

8. Don’t treat unconnected teachers like they are doing something wrong. Reflection doesn’t have to be done online to be effective. (By @sjunkins)

9. Teachers had a purging and packing party! Teacher says, “Thanks for forcing me to clean out!  It’s amazing how much I didn’t need!” (By @hjgrubbs)

10. All my High School athletes wish they were done with HS and all of my Alumni wish they had 3 more years in HS. I wish they all enjoyed today. (By @hansonrun)

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5
  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “Look at Me: A Cautionary School Leadership Tale” Individual copies available on Amazon.com!  http://tinyurl.com/lookatmebook
  • Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Plans (Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan Tool); PW Lite (Basic PowerWalks Tool); PW Pro (Mid-level PowerWalks Tool) 
  • Upcoming Presentations: Texas Association of Secondary School Principals Conference (Multiple Presentations) 
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation  and like Lead Your School on Facebook