i The Hidden Agenda of Choice (Continued, 2) - Lead Your School

In response to the 5/1/13 post, The Hidden Agenda of Choice (7:1),” a teacher writes:


I think public education is very important. BUT, I think that our over-zealous testing has resulted in making education worse for students.  Just look at the dropout rate (which is really higher than our stats reflect).  It is horrible–and self-defeating. 

Those who have guided us into testing have dug deep holes for all of us in public education.  It is a waste of tax money, and it has caused more student depression, student failure, student hatred of schools (after about the 7th grade), and, ultimately the high, unacceptable drop out rate.  

Testing affects students in all facets of their lives. Is there anything more depressing than a stress-test-fail cycle occurring on a daily basis AT SCHOOL. Unless you love taking tests, instructional relevancy is a pipe dream.  I wish I could make are elected leaders who think testing is so important, take ALL the tests they have mandated.  AT least we would know who is qualified to make our policies. 

SC Response First, I agree that poorly thought out and amateurishly implemented testing programs are good for no one (I’m looking at you, Texas).  But I will go out on a limb and say that questionable instruction and review practices that can only be described as superstitious behavior are just as detrimental.  

As far as the current testing/accountability train wreck that we are dealing with, there is plenty of blame to go around.  From the far right, to corporate interest, to the far left, to practicing educators.  Each arguing for their own agenda and interests, kids be damned.

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