i A Principal Responds to the "Math Expert" - Lead Your School

At the recent Texas Senate hearings on CSCOPE a former teacher and self-proclaimed expert in Algebra instruction was given the opportunity to testify on the deficits of CSCOPE.  The summary of his testimony was that following CSCOPE made Algebra I hollow and devoid of all learning.  It forced him to simply provided an illusion of education.
In response to this a LYS Principal shares his observations.

I wish I would have been asked to testify after the “Math Expert.” I would have said the following:

“Members of the Committee,  I worked in the same district as this man shortly after his departure. I was hired as the high school principal. Let me tell you the rest of the story.  This man was not on my staff. I simply inherited the mess he left.  I was hired to improve a campuses that had been chronically low performing. Especially telling were the deep-rooted math problems that persisted year after year. Based on what he left, I must conclude that this “Math Expert,” was ineffective as a teacher. And prior to my arrival, the staff was NOT using CSCOPE in any manner that could be construed as mandatory implementation. Thus based on the objective evidence that I inherited and then verified, in spite of what the “Math Expert” would like you to believe, the issue was with the archer, not the bow, arrow or target.  Thank you.” Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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