i A Reader Writes... Getting Rid of ISS - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the 9/6/2012 post, “A LYS Principal Asks… Getting Rid of ISS,” a LYS Assistant Superintendent writes:


When I was a principal we got rid of In School Suspension (ISS) that is on our time and keeps kids out of class.  Which by the way is what they (students) want. Then we exchanged it for After School Suspension (3 hours) on their time or as we called it, A.S.S.

Here is how it worked:  Act like one, get assigned one, and then you get to sit on one. 

SC Response I like it.  It meets my Number One criteria in creating student discipline interventions; Reduce the Amount of Time the Student is Removed From Front Line Instruction.

When it comes to student performance, time on task trumps everything.  Yet in most schools, we set up systems that effectively and efficiently remove the difficult to teach students from our best instructional settings.  Instead, focus on this reality – the best revenge on the student that demonstrates a disruptive dislike for school and learning is to figure out ways to keep him in school and teach him something. It’s the ultimate win/win for the adult and the ultimate lose/win for the child.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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