i Fundamental 5 - PDAS Alignment - Lead Your School

Recently we have had a host of non-LYS leaders taking over for LYSers who have been either promoted or have moved on to bigger campuses or districts. It is the bane of success. The school improves and new opportunities present themselves. The downside is that you have the remaining LYSers trying to get the new boss up to speed before they inadvertently dismantle the machine that created the success. So as a coaching tool, over the next few posts I will show the alignment between LYS doctrine and state requirements. First up, the alignment of Fundamental 5 practices to the Texas PDAS. When I Frame the Lesson, I make a positive impact on the following PDAS domains:

  • Domain I (Student Participation)
  • Domain II (Learner-Centered Instruction)
  • Domain III (Evaluation and Feedback)
  • Domain IV (Management)
  • Domain V (Professional Communication)
  • Domain VIII (Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students)

When I Work in the Power Zone, I make a positive impact on the following PDAS domains:

  • Domain I (Student Participation)
  • Domain II (Learner-Centered Instruction)
  • Domain III (Evaluation and Feedback)
  • Domain IV (Management)
  • Domain V (Professional Communication)
  • · Domain VIII (Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students)

When I use Frequent Small Group Purposeful Talk, I make a positive impact on the following PDAS domains:

  • Domain I (Student Participation)
  • Domain II (Learner-Centered Instruction)
  • Domain III (Evaluation and Feedback)
  • Domain IV (Management)
  • Domain VIII (Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students)

When I Recognize and Reinforce, I make a positive impact on the following PDAS domains:

  • Domain I (Student Participation)
  • Domain II (Learner-Centered Instruction)
  • Domain III (Evaluation and Feedback)
  • Domain IV (Management)
  • Domain V (Professional Communication)
  • Domain VIII (Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students)

When I have my students Write Critically, I make a positive impact on the following PDAS domains:

  • Domain I (Student Participation)
  • Domain II (Learner-Centered Instruction)
  • Domain III (Evaluation and Feedback)
  • Domain VIII (Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students)

As you observe me execute the Fundamental 5 at high frequency and high quality, you will find it easy to evaluate me as Exceeding Expectations in the following PDAS domains:

  • Domain I (Student Participation)
  • Domain II (Learner-Centered Instruction)
  • Domain III (Evaluation and Feedback)
  • Domain IV (Management)
  • Domain V (Professional Communication)
  • Domain VIII (Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students)

But you shouldn’t be surprised, I’m a LYSer. Its what we do. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/4ydqd4t
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation
  • Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Plans (Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan Tool); PW Lite (Basic PowerWalks Tool); PW Pro (Mid-level PowerWalks Tool)
  • Confirmed 2012 Presentations: NASSP Conference; NASB Conference; Region 10 ESC Fall Leadership Conference (Keynote)