A LYS Teacher asks a question concerning my comments concerning schools that model expected behaviors: SC, I would love for you to share some examples of modeled student expectations you have seen and liked. SC Response This is a great time to answer this question. Here are a couple of examples that I observe every time I’m at a Game On! school or Estrada Academy. 1) Model the student dress code. If there is an expectation that students adhere to a dress standard, then one of the most powerful practices a staff can do is to model that expectation. First, this act says that the dress expectation is important. Second, this act says that the campus family is one, staff and students. But most importantly this act separates you from every other adult in the life of the student. This act says, “Do as I do,” instead of “Do as I say.” 2) Be prepared for every class. We have the expectation that students be completely prepared for every class, every day. We should model that. Which means when the bell rings, we start instructional activities right then. 3) Say “ma’am, sir, please and thank you” to students. If we want students to speak respectfully to us, and others, then we need to show them the same respect and make sure they are over-exposed to the language of respect. We have our students for eight hours a day. To overcome the toxic language of media and pop culture, as a staff we must speak with one, respectful voice. 4) Never yell, never threaten, and never be sarcastic to any student. But even more importantly, do not tolerate this from any adult on campus. Address it and support your peers on the rare occasions they have reached their breaking point. 5) Join your students at breakfast, lunch, and PE. Relationships are not built during the delivery of instruction. Relationships are built in the margins of academic activities. Students know that you care about your content area. What they don’t know is that you care about them. They find that out when you show up where you are not expected and engage with them. What better time to begin these practices than at the start of school. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn… Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/4ydqd4t Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation
Top LYS Tweets – January 26, 2021
Lead Your School represents a cadre of educators from across the country that are driven to maximize student opportunities and…