i Quick Hitters from the LYS Nation - Part 1 - Lead Your School

It’s time for a little house cleaning. A number of you have sent in quick comments after reading recent posts. I want to share those comments with the rest of the LYS Nation and if you happened to miss the original post, go back and check it out. In response to the 4/15/2011 post, “My Property Tax Appraisal – Part 1,” the Ol’ Ball Coach writes, “Yes, Yes and Yes!” In response to the 4/19/2011 post, “A TAKS Reminder from the LYS Elementary Coaching Team,” Jannay writes, “Excellent information.” In response to the 4/27/2011 post, “Can School Turn-around Survive Changes in Leadership,” a reader writes, “Amen, brother!” In response to the 5/11/2011 post, “Madoff School Finance,” a reader writes, “Love it!” In response to the 4/26/2011 post, “A Reader Asks… The Sorry Employee,” a reader writes, “Interesting. I need to think about this. I don’t always agree with you but you do keep it fresh and challenging.” SC Response That’s definitely the intent. And I’m glad you don’t always agree. Even I can point out some posts where I have changed my position since writing it. And whenever you don’t agree, send in a post and make your case. Tomorrow, will clear out another set of quick hitters. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn… Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/4ydqd4t Upcoming Event / Presentation Schedule June 11 (TASB) – The Fundamental Five; Improve Now! June 15 (TASSP) – Improve Now! June 16 (TASSP) – Conference Breakfast, hosted by E. Don Brown (LYS travel tumblers for the first 1000 attendees, last year we ran out) June 16 (TASSP) – Book Release Event, “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction” June 16 (TASSP) – Fundamental Five; Tech Tools for the 2.0 Principal June 17 (TASSP) – PowerWalks June 18 (TASB) – The Fundamental Five; Improve Now!