i Game On! School Write - Part 2 - Lead Your School

In response to the post The LYS Nation in the News,” on 11/4/2010, Dr. Stephen Wurtz writes: Game On! is an incredible system designed by Sean Cain and the Lead Your School organization. I love the systematic approach to increasing student academic achievement while fostering character development and person responsibility. Game On! has helped to foster a truly transparent environment where everyone understands their role on the team and how that role impacts the group as a whole. It has made a real difference in streamlining hard working teachers so that everyone’s efforts are pointed in the same direction… toward achieving our school mission! I highly recommend it!! SC Response Thanks for the kind words and you know that everyone on our side couldn’t be more excited for you and your kids! Your success makes it easier for other schools to embrace the changes that will benefit their students. On an unrelated note, don’t forget if you are attending the Texas Charter School Conference on Tuesday, November 29, 2010, look me up. At 3:45 pm, I’ll be presenting on the first steps of school improvement. The session title is, “Broke to Better.” You can also catch me on the TEPSA Webinar on Wednesday, November 30, 2010 at 11:00 AM (central time). The topic, “Effective Working Relationships: A Primer for Principals and Assistant Principals” Follow the link below for more information. http://www.tepsa.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=282 Think. Work. Achieve.Your turn…