i A Reader Submits... Curriculum Myth - Lead Your School

One of the big brains in the LYS Nation submits the following: Myth: Curriculum must be research based. Fact: It must be standards based. Conversely, it is instruction that should be research based. Why does 99% of our profession aggressively ignore this fact? SC Response Because by embracing the myth, I can justify whatever course of action I take. And since my actions are completely justified, any failures in my school or class are the fault of someone else. I was speaking to a group of Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents recently and pointed out that yes, we are beginning to see progress in improving the quality of instruction in the classroom. But because there is so little meaningful focus and discipline on actual curriculum, ultimately all this means is that students are being taught the wrong things, better. That fact ought to keep you awake at night. Think. Work. Achieve.Your turn…