i A Reader Writes... (Who are We Letting In - Part 1) - Lead Your School

In response to the post, “Who are We Letting In,” a reader writes:

“I have to say that I agree with at least 80-85% of LYS. Sometimes more, depending on the time of the year. I wish our district would bring you in but that would mean everyone above us would also have to focus on improvement.

I cheered when I saw your responses to the dress code issues and realized that you have mellowed somewhat in your stance. Always professional and always willing to listen and accept differences. I always knew where I stood with you whether we agreed, or agreed to disagree.

I love my LYS koozie. I may have used it too much recently to chew on to keep frustrations down. Better than chocolate (not really) and definitely less calories. It is a great tool also to throw against the wall on those days when I question why I do what I do (it keeps from chipping the paint). All I have to do is roam the halls and talk with the kids and teachers who are committed to kids and I re-center. I look forward to this school year for many reasons and will use many examples from your comments as well as other members of the LYS Nation to kick the year off.”

SC Response
I remember when I was in college and one of my professors contradicted the text book (which he wrote). When I asked him about it, he said, “Just because I wrote the book, doesn’t mean that I give up the right to change my mind when new facts emerge.”

I find it humorous when people believe that we all have to agree. Systemic group think easily stifles more creativity than it encourages. On the other hand, I do believe that it is critical that we agree on our mission, vision and goals. After that, let the best idea win. In fact, knowing your experience and skill set, the 15% that represents the areas where we don’t agree is where I believe our real innovative thinking will emerge.

You are right about the dress code. When I was younger, I wanted to “save” students. I saw dress code as a way to shift student expectations. Now I see dress code as a teaching tool. Use the tool appropriately if it supports the mission and vision of the school and the district. Quit using the tool if you lack the will to use it appropriately or it does not support the mission and vision of the school or district.

Good luck with the start of school and don’t fret about me not being there. Your daily actions and examples are much more powerful than a few hours of me talking.

Think. Work. Achieve.

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