i Disguised Opprotunity - Lead Your School

Recently, I was talking to a group of principals that work in a district that is going through both planned and unplanned transitions (no, I’m not talking about your district).

A number of the principals were stressed, concerned, scared, and/or completely freaked out about dealing with all the unknowns. My advice, “Don’t be.”

Now before you decide that I’m being glib, understand that I am completely serious. One of the best things that can happen to you and your staff is to be thrust unexpectedly into a crisis situation. Crisis sharpens the senses, forces you to disregard the unimportant, forces you to rely on your team, forces you to be creative under a deadline, and forces you to face and conquer your fears. In short it forces you and your team to ignore what is petty and deal with the issues that are critical to survival.

If you manage a crisis correctly and you will build a motivated team that will find “routine” problems a piece of cake. The technical term for this is “shared ordeal,” and it creates powerful and lasting bonds. In practical terms, this means that a good crisis is a gift. Don’t waste it.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…


An Unexpected Lesson Learned

Recently, two former school principals were witnesses to a deadly accident. Well, not exactly witnesses.  Let me explain. First, the…