In response to the post, “Problems with the Boss,” a reader writes:
“SC, please tell the erudite, Dr. Jim Davis, that it is very difficult to make the Head Coach happy when he can’t be pleased. I had two wonderful Head Coaches before my current one came along.
Your points are so well taken. At this stage of my career, I plan to ride it out maybe one more year and then fold my tent and fade away. If I win the lottery, I will go in July. I have accomplished more than I thought possible here. Now it is just fun to enjoy the ride.”
SC Response
Your case is an excellent example of what I was writing about. You haven’t changed how you do your job. In fact, due to your competence and skills you were the “go to” person for the other two bosses. Unfortunately, the new boss knows that and is not self confident enough to defer his authority to your expertise.
However, you are in a unique position. Principals who can retire are in the absolute best position to innovate and focus their campus on doing something great. Free of the constraints of “is this bad for my career,” or “I don’t want to upset anybody,” the soon to retire principal can slay the sacred cows and stream line systems faster than anyone else. Fight the last good fight and then retire with your head held high.
Finally, you are the poster child for my comment, “If your boss isn’t smart enough to appreciate you, he isn’t smart enough for you to work for him.” I know both of your previous two bosses and they both agree that you were the best principal they ever had.
Think. Work. Achieve.
Your turn…