I’m a quiet reader out here, but I’ve talked up the blog with many of my colleagues. You (and the LYS readers) really make me think…and I find myself quoting from the things I’m reading!”
SC Response
I have discovered that there are more LYS readers like you than I ever imagined. And that is a good thing. There is an educational code of silence that restrains us from taking chances and speaking up. The silence perpetuates the status quo. This blog combats the silence. For example, when your supervisor chastises you for having a question or pointing out that the one size solution does not fit all, this forum gives you either the opportunity to discuss the idea or at least monitor the conversation.
When I was still in a district, I was sitting in a staff meeting when an assistant superintendent had yet another excuse for why resources weren’t available for my campus. When I pressed him on the matter, his response was, “Well I’m still trying to get a feel for the operations.”
I replied, “My new teachers get two weeks to get ready to teach. I assign them 100 students and then I expect them to produce on day one. You have had 6 months in a job that is similar to the one you had before. How much more time do you need?”
As I proceeded to get chewed out in front of the group for being disrespectful (and as I composed my flaming resignation letter in my head), I realized I had said what every other principal at the table wanted to say (but were smart enough not too). I also realized that I would be much more effective as an advocate for rapid improvement than as an advocate for adult comfort and convince (obviously, I am a Marcus Buckingham proponent). Hence the unconventional career path that has led to these discussions.
Thank you for reading, thank you for talking, and please start writing. We all get smarter and more effective as we expand these conversations.
Think. Work. Achieve.
Your turn…