In response to the post, “Credit Recovery / Failure Prevention,” a reader writes:

“As a check, you may want to monitor the number of 3rd year freshmen. I had a conversation just the other day with a school that claimed to implement all of these fantastic credit recovery programs. In a later conversation, the same person mentioned the discipline problems associated with 3rd year freshmen. A good way to monitor a credit recovery program is to include a feedback mechanism that looks for students off grade level, even after being in credit recovery. This person was proud of their program, but the ability of the program to serve students is questionable.”

SC Response
The writer touches on the Achilles Heel of 99% of school intervention programs; they are implemented too late. Meaning that they kick in after the issue is critical, in this case significant student failure. That’s why I like the concept of failure prevention.

Failure Prevention does create more work and planning on the front side, but that is when the issue is solvable. The longer the campus waits to act, the more difficult the problem becomes. Catch the disease early, and you have an excellent chance of surviving. Ignore preventative habits and treatments; miss or ignore the on-going warning signs; and once preventable death is all but assured.

Again, if you are already doing something effective and pro-active, the other LYS readers want to know about it.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…


Credit Recovery

Recently I was asked, “Does a credit recovery program cheapen a high school diploma?”   That is a great question,…