i Economic Stimulus Money - Uses - Lead Your School

The following comes from Dr. Mike Laird (a friend of the site), by way of the U.S. Department of Education:

Stimulus monies are to be used to support the following Key Education Reforms:

  • Raising standards through college and career ready standards and high quality assessments that are reliable for all students, including English language learners and students with disabilities;
  • Increasing transparency by establishing better data systems tracking student progress over time;
  • Improving teacher effectiveness and ensuring equitable supply and distribution of qualified teachers
  • Supporting effective intervention strategies for lowest performing schools.

Thanks Dr. Laird.Your turn…


Grant Rules

I was recently sitting in a meeting with a district and grant auditors. It was nothing out of the ordinary,…

Dual Credit Courses

I saw a headline that stated that the bad economy should increase the interest in dual credit classes. This is…