Over the holidays, I was asked to prepare an abstract for some significant, national education policy makers. The topic – the consistent tail-right performance of LYS schools. Once the abstract has been circulated to the parties that requested it, I’ll post it on the LYS website. But this is what is crystal clear: Embrace the principles of LYS and your classroom, campus and/or district moves faster than those around you. In peer-to-peer comparisons, LYS classrooms improve performance at a more rapid pace than non-LYS classrooms. LYS schools in districts improve performance at a more rapid pace than non-LYS schools in the same district. And LYS districts improve student performance at a more rapid pace than surrounding non-LYS districts. To sum up why I believe the LYS’er is a consistent out-performer, I just wrote, “above all else, the educators that work with LYS have embraced the power of… Think. Work. Achieve.“Your turn…Visit the LYS Booth at the TASA Mid-winter Conference
It’s A Different Game Now
When I train teachers, I make it very clear that I am teaching them to do things that I never…