i Top LYS Tweets - October 12, 2020 - Lead Your School

Lead Your School represents a cadre of educators from across the country that are driven to maximize student opportunities and to lead the profession by example and action. @LYSNation is one way to share information, ideas, and reflections with those incredible teachers and school leaders. These are the Top 10 tweets shared in the past week.


  1. “We don’t need rules. We should just trust that people will do the right thing.” Said no High School Principal, ever. (By @LYSNation)


  1. The rule of thumb for healthy and hygienic school and classroom operations is this… Examine everything that was done before and then do those things in a healthier and more hygienic manner. (By @LYSNation)


  1. As painful as remote learning might seem, funerals would be worse. This isn’t an extreme take, it’s reality. (By @TeachMrReed)


  1. “…unconstrained school choice leads to more segregated schools…The nation is very likely to be better served in the long term by public schools that afford students the opportunity to be exposed to peers from a diverse set of backgrounds.” (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. Who should fund public schools? The people. Not “Scholarship Tax Credits”. Not the whims of charity. Taxpayers. Period. (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. We need STOP giving our students a thousand assignments a day. We need to understand the times and the high stress levels across the board right now. We need to focus on being empathetic to their needs and focus on how to fully engage them during our lessons. (By @mr_Alsheimer)


  1. FBI Director Christopher Wray: “I would encourage people to be critical thinkers, and to get their news from a variety of sources and make up their own mind and be a skeptical, discerning electorate — which is what I think is the best defense against malign foreign influence” (By @CBSNews)


  1. The best leaders are those who help their team succeed. No improvement/success, no leadership. Look at results prior to calling someone a great leader. (By @tgrierhisd)


  1. I’m thinking that today is a good day to remind everyone that teachers should be able to deduct more than $250.00 on their taxes for the school supplies they buy. (By @jimknight99)


  1. You can’t always control circumstances – you can always control your attitude, approach and response. –Tony Dungy (By @CoachMotto)


Lead Your School and Wash Your Hands!

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