i The 2020/2021 School Priority List - Lead Your School

Yesterday, I shared that uncomfortable truth that instruction is not the number one priority of schools this year. Something, many of us have felt, but have been hesitant to say out loud. First, because as educators, this feels wrong. Second, because if instruction is not #1 (it’s #5), we are unclear on what does come before instruction? I won’t leave you hanging.


Here is your Priority List For Schools this year.


#1: Keep the Adults Safe and Alive. It is hard to teach, work, or lead when you are dead. Harsh but true.


#2 Keep the Students Safe and Healthy. Sick students spread Covid-19; to the adults on campus. This in turn makes it more difficult to fulfill Priority #1. Harsh, but true.


#3: Keep the School Safe and Open. A school that does not follow health, hygiene, and screening best practices will not be able to fulfill Priorities #1 and #2 and will most likely have to close on occasion throughout the year as the virus flares up. Harsh, but true.


#4: Address Emotional Health and Belonging Needs. We have to help students (and teachers) effectively deal with and address the fear, grief, anger, and uncertainty that we are all carrying right now before any teaching and learning can begin to occur. True.



#5: Instruction.  


Lead Your School and Wash Your Hands!

Your turn…

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