i Top LYS Tweets - August 31, 2020 - Lead Your School

Lead Your School represents a cadre of educators from across the country that are driven to maximize student opportunities and to lead the profession by example and action. @LYSNation is one way to share information, ideas, and reflections with those incredible teachers and school leaders. These are the Top 10 tweets shared in the past week.


  1. REPORTER: Does it upset you that some people are attacking teachers and criticizing them? ME: It does, but then I remember that the people who are attacking teachers lack every quality needed to be a teacher: passion, compassion and intelligence. (By @NicholasFerroni)


  1. I’m not sure how the reopening of schools has become political. Everyone involved understands going back to school is what’s best for kids, but is it too much to ask to be back in school safely — safe for the kids AND the adults. (By @FixingEducation)


  1. Senator Mitt Romney breaks with Trump’s criticism of mail-in voting: “I don’t know of any evidence that voting by mail would increase voter fraud.” (By @thehill)


  1. Learning how to REBOOT with Sean Cain. Already feeling much better!!! – The Reboot: School Operations in an Unpredictable World (By @JanLOliver)


  1. Appropriate social distancing guidelines: Wearing a face mask – 6 feet. Not wearing a face mask – 6 miles. Your choice.(By @LYSNation)


  1. For schools and school districts that have dress code requirements but no face mask requirements I have one question. Why? It’s not like your dress code prevents illnesses and save lives. But face masks do. (By @LYSNation)


  1. Face masks should have a reflective surface, so people who aren’t wearing them can see what a-holes they are. (By @ConanOBrien)


  1. Keep your hands off our mailboxes. (By @DanRather)


  1. Goodbye IDEA protections. Private schools are not obligated to provide FAPE, IEPs or evaluations for your child. (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. Greed is so commonplace today, the public interest so old-fashioned, so abandoned by the political class, that children are now seen as market commodities by those who would privatize public education. This is the moral corruption of our day. The judgment of God is upon it. (By @pastors4txkids)


Lead Your School and Wash Your Hands!

Your turn…

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