i Top LYS Tweets - August 10, 2020 - Lead Your School

Lead Your School represents a cadre of educators from across the country that are driven to maximize student opportunities and to lead the profession by example and action. @LYSNation is one way to share information, ideas, and reflections with those incredible teachers and school leaders. These are the Top 10 tweets shared in the past week.


  1. “My philosophy is very simple. When you see something that is not right. Not fair. Not just. Say something. Do something. Get in trouble. Good trouble. Necessary trouble.” (By @repjohnlewis)


  1. The acceptable number of student deaths is zero. The acceptable number of teacher deaths is zero. (By @SotoArths)


  1. The Reboot (Cain and Laird) is hands down the best information I have heard. I feel so much better about the thought process of the decisions and plans I am making for our school!! (By @terrilbrice)


  1. “I’ve learned that if you don’t follow your conscience, it haunts you for a long, long time. At this stage in life, I’m not going to do that anymore.” -Mitt Romney (By @BillKristol)


  1. What a teacher just said about, The Reboot: School Operations in an Unpredictable World… “Every administrator in my district should read this book. Cain & Laird truly understand the realities of the classroom!” (By @LYSNation)


  1. I think all non-educators chiming in on how kids should all be back in the brick and mortar, social distancing, should be added to the substitute registry. (By @flyingmonkey13)


  1. If we closed schools because it was unsafe due to the pandemic, exactly what has changed to make it safe now? (By @TeachMrReed)


  1. The White House Press Secretary on Trump’s push to reopen schools: “The science should not stand in the way of this.” (By @Acosta)


  1. Actually, science SHOULD absolutely stand in the way of reopening schools. (By @SuptEnfield)


  1. “Be hopeful. Be optimistic. Never lose that sense of hope.” -John Lewis (By @mr_Alsheimer)


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