i Top LYS Tweets - July 6, 2020 - Lead Your School

Lead Your School represents a cadre of educators from across the country that are driven to maximize student opportunities and to lead the profession by example and action. @LYSNation is one way to share information, ideas, and reflections with those incredible teachers and school leaders. These are the Top 10 tweets shared in the past week.


  1. Wear your mask. This isn’t about politics. It’s about SCIENCE. Protect others. Protect yourself. Help slow the spread of Covid-19. (By @GavinNewsome)
  2. Do your part. Show respect. Wear a mask. This means you. (By @NYGovCuomo)
  3. Polarization of measures around masks and social distancing is complicating the process of reopening for districts. (By @tgrierhisd)
  4. If you don’t like wearing a mask, you’re really not going to like wearing a ventilator. (By @HeathMayo)
  5. I’m concerned with how little the safety of teachers, administrators, and support staff are discussed in the conversation about safely reopening schools in the fall. Student learning is absolutely a priority, and the health of the adults facilitating that learning should be important, too. (By @sydneycjensen)
  6. Schools are re-opening…learn how to keep your students and staff safe and healthy. The Reboot: School Operations in an Unpredictable World (Cain and Laird). Get your copy at ED311.com (By @ED311News)
  7. PSA: To be brutally honest, we need everyone to act now. We’re seeing a significant rise in cases and that has to change for us to go back to face-to-face instruction Please practice social distancing and wear a face covering now. We REALLY want to see our kiddos on August 10th. (By @FCSSuptLooney)
  8. Wearing a masks saves lives. This shouldn’t be controversial. (By @ProjectLincoln)
  9. Lots of schools are counting on a return to in-person instruction this fall. But with COVID-19 surging in numerous states, schools need to plan for different scenarios. The M-F, 8-3 schedule for everyone won’t be making a full comeback.(By @tgrierhisd)
  10. Anyone else be watching TV and randomly catch themselves thinking, “Why are they not socially distancing?” (By @TeachMrReed)


Lead Your School and Wash Your Hands!

Your turn…

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