If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS tweets from the past week when they were first posted.  And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.


  1. “We say public schools are the top priority, so giving tax breaks to millionaires who donate to private schools is an obviously inappropriate diversion of resources.” (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. “For many, the choice of school is an entirely self-centered decision. We want to decide what is best for “us” or what will serve “our child” most completely… But what about other people’s children?” (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. Voucher politics in a nutshell — divert as much money as humanly possibly away from public into private schools. Do not ask questions!! If you dare ask questions, voucher defenders ask why do you hate black and brown kids? (By @CarlosGSmith)


  1. It must be repeated constantly: No public funds should be used to teach sectarian beliefs. Most private voucher schools teach sectarian beliefs as a matter of course. Simple solution: No accountability, no vouchers. (By @RussellLMeyer)


  1. Poverty is not: A lack of effort. A brain disease. A mindset or culture. A grit/resiliency shortage. A need to learn responsibility. Unfortunately, in schools and nonprofits, this list captures with disturbing accuracy how poverty is often understood. (By @pgorski)


  1. “Two Indiana charters spent $85+ million in tax dollars at businesses in which they had ties. The money came from state tuition support for students who, in some cases, were never enrolled. This is the school choice Indiana lawmakers celebrate.” (By @pastors4txkids)


  1. Unproductive meetings waste time and zap energy. Make them count: Don’t meet if information can emailed. Plan the agenda so meetings are streamlined to 30-minutes, max. Don’t meet just to meet. Let others lead/ share expertise. Limit meetings scheduled during planning times. Have coffee/ snacks. (By @DrBradJohnson)


  1. Coaching isn’t about what you know or what you can put on paper. It’s about what you can get players to do on the floor. –Stan Van Gundy (By @CoachMotto)


  1. Y’all realize that teenagers’ brains haven’t fully developed, right? They’re going to make mistakes sometimes. Their emotions are going to be occasionally dynamic. Focus on building relationships instead of punishing. I accomplish much more by talking than writing a referral. (By @jthompedu)


  1. During coaching time, a principal’s primary purpose is to watch the game in play and be available to staff as necessary. (By @MalachiPancoast)


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