i Once Again... The Facts About Mass Shootings Presented In An Understandable Format - Lead Your School

Everything is the same, until it isn’t. All the “causes” our  political leaders trot out after every mass shooting event are patently false. I’ve listed the most common of them on the chart above.


If the in-common reasons were the true cause, then mass shootings would be common occurrences in our peer countries. But they are not.


We are different than our peer countries in just two categories…

  1. Easy access to powerful, high capacity firearms.
  2. A propensity to slaughter our fellow citizens using those powerful, high capacity firearms.


The chart shows that the problem is NOT as complex as our political leaders would like us to believe.


The chart shows that the solution is NOT as complex as our political leaders would like us to believe.


Either we address the fact that it is too easy to get weapons that facilitate mass killings…


Or, we accept the fact that we believe that mass killings are acceptable.


S. Cain