i It's Time To Ban The Sale Of Assault Style Weapons - Lead Your School

I own an AR-15.


I did not purchase my AR-15 out of fear or anger. I enjoy shooting my AR-15 at the range.


In no shape, form or fashion do I NEED the AR-15 I own. I did not purchase my AR-15 to protect Democracy. My fellow citizens do not need me to own an AR-15.


I bought my AR-15 because I wanted it.


But let’s be honest.


As a home / personal protection weapon, the AR-15 is poorly suited for the job. I have other weapons for that purpose.


As a hunting weapon, the AR-15 is poorly suited for the job. I have other weapons for that purpose.


As an accurate target shooting weapon, the AR-15 is not well suited for the job. I have other weapons that are more accurate at greater distances.


What the AR-15 (and similar weapons) is really good at is attracting marginal (though not mentally ill) males that use the weapon to inflict harm on their fellow citizens.


It is hard to argue that the AR-15 (and similar weapons) serves a greater good outside of the military and law enforcement.


So why are we still selling them?


S. Cain