i How To Make Sure That Your Training Initiative Fails - Part 3 - Lead Your School

The last two posts (Part 1 and Part 2) addressed the facts that your training initiative has next to no chance to succeed if you introduce it with, “I know you already do this,” and then leave to go do something “more important.”


To absolutely guarantee failure, complete the “waste of money, effort and time,” trifecta by not monitoring, cueing and supporting teachers during the school year as they attempt to implement the training.


New practices mean new habits. And new habits are hard to build.  Teachers need school leaders to take formative, proactive measures to help them engage and move through the learning curve. If leaders don’t do their part, then teachers get stuck doing the same things they have always done.


Bottom line, the successful implementation of any training initiative is a function of effective leadership. Which also means that implementation failure is not a teacher failure, it is leadership failure.


Don’t fail… Communicate, engage, and coach.


Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…

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