i Texas State Representative Jonathan Strickland Is A Genius - Lead Your School

Quote: Leftists have overtaken much of our public education system. It’s been their plan all along. They want our children’s hearts and minds. Ultimate control. -J. Strickland (R – Texas Legislature)


Let’s dissect Representative Strickland’s claim.


  1. For the past 20 years, Texas teachers have overwhelmingly voted for Republican candidates. So, calm down, Johnny.


  1. Even more conservative and Republican than Texas teachers are Texas school administrators. So, calm down, Johnny.


  1. Texas public schools are run locally by elected school boards and ultimately by the Texas Legislature. Which means in Texas, public schools are run by Republicans, like you. So, calm down, Johnny.


  1. It is darn near impossible to get teachers to plan lessons together on a consistent basis. Which means that planning for ultimate control over student hearts and minds seems to be somewhat of a long shot. So, calm down, Johnny.


  1. Teachers overwhelming complain about how student behavior is worse every year. Which means, in their own words, teachers are failing at controlling classroom behavior. Again, hearts and minds are safe, So, calm down, Johnny.


  1. Johnny, the problem you are facing is that Texas educators are smart and passionate about their calling. As such, we will point out that meeting the moral and Constitutional requirements of adequately educating children requires funding, resources, facilities and time. You are allowed to ignore this. So, calm down, Johnny.


Johnny, as a former math teacher, if I were to grade your statement based on objective fact, it wouldn’t be pretty.  You might fare better with your English teacher, but only if the class was working on fiction writing.


P.S. The on-line charm course I’m taking must be working, because previously I would have pointed out that Republican State Representative Johnathan Strickland is actually a #$%*! idiot.


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