i Top LYS Tweets - October 1, 2018 - Lead Your School

If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS tweets from the past week when they were first posted.  And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.


  1. The most important thing I learned in Kindergarten today. First, finish your assignment… Then we dance! (By @LYSNation)


  1. A nation is only as strong as its educational system. (By @SethMacFarlane)


  1. When a school’s ranking is more significantly impacted by “who” it serves, as opposed to “what” it does, then it is fate and zip code that is really determining school ratings. (By @LYSNation)


  1. Teachers led the good fight, but we know they should not stand alone… Pastors, small business owners, parents, grandparents and anyone who loves their local community need to be involved in the defense of our good community public schools. (By @pastors4OKkids)


  1. Let’s be very clear about why we didn’t get more public education funding last session: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and the Republican Texas State Senate members refused to give more money when the Texas House wouldn’t let them divert public school money to subsidize private schools.


  1. The Texas A-F School Rating system is an intellectually dishonest, morally flawed system. It has been built to further an anti-public school agenda. (By @LYSNation)


  1. “As state policymakers begin planning for the next state budget, this initial budget request serves as a reminder the state must increase its investment in public education if it wants to keep up with the increasing pressures on our system.” (By @pastors4txkids)


  1. School Accountability has forced the practices of public school educators to evolve faster than they ever have in the history of our profession. (By @LYSNation)


  1. The real “no-win” situation is the only crucible where you will find out if you are a leader or a pretender. (By @LYSNation)


  1. There are Lies… Damn Lies… Statistics… And the Texas A-F Public School Ranking System. (By @LYSNation)


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Your turn…

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