i Top LYS Tweets - May 7, 2018 - Lead Your School

If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS tweets from the past week when they were first posted. And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.

  1. I’ve voted more this year than I have my whole life. I’m using my teacher voice in local elections and I block vote at the state level. (By @ccollins_hawk)
  2. “The biggest constraint of student success is the teacher’s expectations.” Our kids can do it! (By @fosterbkay)
  3. If you want to know how well your students understand something, you HAVE to let THEM TALK and WRITE about it. The person doing the talking (and writing) is the person doing the learning. Plan student opportunities for conversation and note-MAKING, not note-taking. (By @traci_tousant)
  4. “If you want students to be better readers, writers, and thinkers…then writing every day in every class is key.” (By @ELmagazine)
  5. If a student turns something in late, it doesn’t mean the student knows the content less. Similarly, just because a student turned it in on time, doesn’t mean the student knows the content more. Grade learning, not behaviors. (By @justintarte)
  6. No civilized nation sees children as commodities for financial profit. (By @pastors4txkids)
  7. “Both teachers and students function best at the speed of TRUST.”-Robert John Meehan (By @TeachersJourney)
  8. The 3 most significant ingredients to learning are “purpose,” “challenge” & “feedback;” without one, the amount of learning is significantly affected. (By @justintarte)
  9. Since last school year, homeless students enrolled in Texas school districts increased by 40,890 students and special education students increased by 18,974. These large shifts underscore need to revamp finance system to help districts keep up with growing costs. (By @eclairetexas)
  10. Texas gets an F on school finance -San Antonio Express-News (By @EdFocus)


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  • Upcoming Conference Presentations: LYS / ESC 4 Principals Symposium (Keynote); TASSP Summer Conference (Multiple Presentations); TEPSA Summer Conference; LYS / ESC 3 Fundamental 5 Leadership Symposium; VASSP Summer Conference (Multiple Presentations); NAESP National Conference (Multiple Presentations); NASSP National Principals Conference; LYS / TASSP Leadership Symposium (Keynote)
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