i Top 10 LYS Tweets - February 20, 2018 - Lead Your School

If you are not following @LYSNation on Twitter, then you missed the Top 10 LYS tweets from the past week when they were first posted.  And if you are on Twitter, you might want to check out the Tweeters who made this week’s list.


  1. Not only do educators need to go vote for Scott Milder (Texas Lt. Gov. Candidate), we all have to make sure family and friends know how important this election is. It scares me that educators will take it for granted and not vote! Please, please go vote and make sure those close to you do as well. This is vital! (By @jbbowman)


  1. Hey teachers, let’s post selfies of us wearing “I VOTED” stickers once voting begins. Include @TXlege in your post so legislators can hear from you too! (By @DrMarshaFarney)


  1. The attempt to suppress the vote of Texas schoolteachers by people close to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is outrageous and unacceptable. (By @pastors4txkids)


  1. Years ago, the state covered about 75% of school costs. According to the Texas Education Agency and the Legislative Budget Board, by 2019 the state will cover just 38% of school funding and property taxpayers will be forced to pick up the rest. (By @TexasCounties)


  1. FINALLY! Someone telling it the way it is! Local governments are not to blame for property taxes. The Republican controlled Texas Legislature has shifted more and more of the burden over to them and then act shocked when they have to raise money to pay for what state lawmakers should be obligated to provide for. (By @EffectualEdu)


  1. One three-minute walkthrough means nothing… But many of them over time identify trends in instructional practice. (By @jackson_carrie)


  1. Formative Assessment is About Practice; feedback, support, and coaching. Administrators should be intentional about “coaching teachers to try new things”. (By @RANESIAEDWARDS)


  1. “Education isn’t just crucial for my kids, but for all the children of our society; so, I shouldn’t just support the schools when my own children are of school age, but for the whole of my life.” (By @mishshel)


  1. I don’t want to hear politicians call themselves constitutional conservatives if they actively support the Dan Patrick and Empower Texans campaign to subvert Article 7 by diverting school funds into the pockets of private school owners like Empower Texans key funder Tim Dunn. (By @johnkuhntx)


  1. For the past year, we’ve witnessed growing disdain among Texas Teachers for the attack on public education by some members of the Texas Legislature. You are definitely blowing the whistle! (#blowingthewhistle) But, the only whistle that matters is your vote. Go into that voting booth and blow us away! (By @pastors4txkids)


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