i A Superintendent Writes... Elections have Repercussions - Lead Your School

An old school LYS Superintendent shares:

LYS Nation,

As a superintendent, obviously, the Texas Supreme Court’s ruling on school finance disappoints me.  I admire the deference to the legislature at some level, but not at this level.

To say that a judicial branch should not override the elected representative branch makes perfect sense at the federal level.  After all, at the federal level US Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected by the people.  

The situation is quite different at the state level in Texas.  All nine of them are ELECTED to office by the people, just like the legislature is.  

I appreciate the Texas Supreme Court’s nod to federalism and the US Constitution, but this is not a federal issue, it is a State of Texas issue.  Those nine justices were elected by the citizens of Texas and should now be held accountable, by the citizens of Texas.  If only educators would turn out and vote.

SC Response At some point, educators will have to face the fact that their hypocrisy in the voting booth is the main source of their collective pain.  I have given up trying to predict when this will happen.

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