i A Superintendent Writes... Lies, Damn Lies, and Pro-Voucher Propaganda - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the 5/22/15 post, “Lies, Damn Lies, and Pro-Voucher Propaganda,” a LYS Superintendent writes:

OMG! “Closet Segregationist!!!”  

Remind me to never get in a debate with you.  And, by the why, you are completely right.  No one is “escaping” to diversified, all-inclusive private schools.  

Well, maybe that is wrong.  The private school in my district serves all types of rich white children… Tall, short, thin, chunky, boys, and girls. Very diverse.

SC Response That is what is most disingenuous about the voucher/school choice proponents.  It is not about choosing the school.  It is about choosing the peer group.  Simply put, there are parents who want to make sure their children are educated with the “RIGHT…”

  • Religious group
  • Economic group
  • Gender group
  • Intelligence group
  • Political group
  • Ethnic / racial group

Agree or not, they are well within their rights to make such a choice.  However….

To expect the taxpayer to pay for religious, economic, gender, intelligence, political and racial segregation is contrary to the principles on which this country was founded. A private school voucher (by any name) is not an issue of Right and Left politics. A private school voucher is an issue of Right or Wrong.

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