i A Reader Writes... Quick Accountability Testing - Part 1 - Lead Your School

In response to the 2/11/2015 post, “Quick AccountabilityTesting,” a LYS Principal writes:

I love this plan! How soon can we implement it?

SC Response Obviously, not now.  But if we, as educators, ever want to have this or a similar system implemented we must do two things.

1. We must co-opt the accountability discussion instead of fighting / ignoring / complaining about it.  Accountability, at least in Texas, has its roots with a small group of proactive Superintendents who were trying to identify the instructional practices that would improve the success of their students.  Paige, Guthrie, Donaldson, Neeley and Brezina didn’t enact accountability measures in their districts because they were anti-public education.  They enacted them because they recognized that public education is the most important civic enterprise that we engage in.  They were looking for better process and better results.  But outside of their circle, educators didn’t see a tool to use, only a weapon to ignore.  So those with an anti-public school agenda were able to dictate the terms of the programs.  To the detriment of the profession.      

2. Vote for a different candidate. Current state policy has not occurred by accident. It has been carefully and expertly (in political terms) orchestrated by those who have been in charge for the last 15+ years.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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