i The World is Flat and so is the LYS Nation - Lead Your School

At the LYS Office we have been monitoring the demonstrations and escalations in the Ukraine with more than casual interest. Why? There are members of the LYS team that live and work in Kiev.  Now that the situation is stabilizing and we are less concerned for their immediate safety, I want to share some of their updates that they have sent in the midst of this turmoil.  As we receive these notes, I am struck by how much we take for granted in the United States. 

SC and JH,

I live about 10 kilometers (about 6¼ miles) from the conflict. I’m safe.

Thank you.

SC and JH,

Thank you for worrying! Real democracy costs a lot in every country, so here in the Ukraine we are not an exception. Hope, we will get it (real democracy) with minimal loses.

Have a nice day!

SC and JH,

Thank you for worrying! I live on Maidan (the square where the demonstrations are taking place). I’m trying to find some free hours to work and avoid the militia and criminal elements. We have 26 people dead. 9 are from militia side. Everyone hopes for foreign assistance, because it seems our president is not going to stop this terror.

Anyway, we believe that truth and democracy will win.

Have a nice day!

SC and JH,

Yes, it is true that it is getting worse, but we will stay till the end. There is no power in the world that can break the people on Maidan.

Have a nice day!

SC and JH,

I’m safe; situation is getting better every day. 

I hope we will have better country soon.

Thank you.

We are praying for a peaceful resolution.