i Readers Write... Sometimes It Pays to Play the Game - Part 7 - Lead Your School

In response to the 6/26/13 post, “Sometimes It Pays To Play The Game,” some readers shared the following:

(From a new Principal) SC, I proposed a similar plan to my principal, right before I got my own school. However, your plan is better detailed! Thanks for sharing!

Smart Thinking!!!!

(From a District Science Specialist) SC, This is very thought provoking! Though Chemistry as a first science course is not possible if the student has not completed Algebra I and one other science course (T.E.A. required prerequisites).

 Physics first is a possibility. Now I’m sure districts are considering putting IPC first and making Biology the sophomore course. Some districts already do that. But, it’s not a course where you could logically put support for Biology, though. At least we have never thought of it that way.

You have definitely got me thinking!

(From an Assistant Principal) SC, We are considering some changes to course alignment in HS but definitely not this radical. I do appreciate the thought and plan to have a conversation with my principal because of what you propose.


SC Response These readers get it (but then again, they are LYSers).  It’s not about running my plan.  It’s about looking at the rules of the NEW game and adjusting YOUR game for the sole purpose of better serving, protecting and nurturing your students.  Do that and you will immediately separate your campus from the ones led and staffed by the power mongers, comfort seekers and change resisters.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

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